Sunday, May 10, 2009

Tab walker

On Wednesday, I took the boys to eat dinner to celebrate #1 and #2's 4th birthday. Since I was taking them by myself, I tried to think of a place to go where they would be somewhat contained (seeing visions of them running laps around the restaurant with me chasing them). Therefore, we visited one of my all time favorite restaurants...Lubys! Not only do they have $2 kids meals on Wednesday nights and a yummy chicken piccatta, but the boys LOVE to ride in the high chairs with rollers. I lined them up in a row and they held onto each other's chair choo-choo train style while I pushed. They always love the spaghetti and jello.

Afterwards, we went to Cheeburger Cheeburger, a cute little 50's diner near our house, to eat ice cream with M&Ms. The boys were having fun and dancing to the 50's music they were playing, but were starting to get a little out of control. #3 had dumped his ice cream out on the table, which I was trying to wipe up, then he proceeded to crawl underneath the table and started eating the fallen M&Ms off the carpet - GROSS! Meanwhile, #1 was running around the restaurant, so I had to make a quick choice - catch the runaway or stop the disgusting M&M eating. I chose to let #3 ingest a few germs while I snagged #1. An older couple next to me was smiling and commenting about how I had my hands full...and boy were they right that night! The waiter came by to announce the boys' birthday and take a picture.

Once the rest of the ice cream was inhaled, I pulled my trusty baby wipes out of my MOM-purse (the huge cavernous contraption that holds everything but the kitchen sink) and proceeded to wipe faces, hands, table, chairs, etc. The boys started dancing again, and the waiter brought our check. I placed my debit card in the folder, and enjoyed watching the boys have fun. Our waiter passed by and a few minutes later the manager came by with a printout of our picture and a marker for me to sign. As soon as I started writing on the picture, #3 unscrewed the top of the GIANT seasoning bottle that was on the table and poured the entire bottle onto the table.

At that point, I knew I was time for our little gang to leave. I opened up the folder, put my debit card back in my wallet, and pulled out $2 cash for a tip ($8 total bill), figuring I would leave him extra for the mess we made.

We made our way to the car holding hands, and I was loading the boys into the car when the manager came running after me saying, "Excuse me! You only left $2!"

Me: "Yes, that's about 20% tip"

Manager: "You didn't pay"

Me: "What? I left my debit card in the folder for him and I thought he picked it up when he passed by!"

The manager took my debit card back inside and brought it back out for me to sign so I wouldn't have to get the boys back out of their seats. She was really nice about it, but I was totally MORTIFIED.

Now #1 keeps asking to go back to Cheeburger, and I'm embarrased to show my face. I should have realized when I put my debit card back in my wallet that there was not a receipt or anything for me to sign. Duh!

Do you think there is a picture of me hanging in the back office of Cheeburger with a warning sign, "Tab Walker"?


  1. That's an awesome story! It sounds all too familiar...

  2. You are pretty much my hero! 2 outings in one yourself! It is amazing you remembered to pay the bill at all :) Looking forward to reading more of your adventures!


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