Friday, May 8, 2009


Riley is at the stage where he asks a lot of questions. No seriously, a TON of questions. No matter what the answer is, he repeats the answer and ends with "Ohhhhhhh!" in a sing-songy voice.

#3: Where are we going?

Me: To school.

#3: To school? Ohhhhhhh!

#3: It is night night time?

Me: Almost, we need to take a bath first.

#3: We need to take a bath first? Ohhhhhh!

#3: Where Daddy go?

Me: He's at work sweetie.

#3: He's working? Ohhhhhh!

He has grown up so much in just two months - potty training, language, stopping the thumb-sucking, etc. On one had it makes me sad that I no longer have a baby in the house, but on the other it is nice that they are a bit more independent and can do things on their own. What do I love most about my little #3-Boo? Everything! Ohhhhhhh...

1 comment:

  1. What a cutie! My middle son is now potty-trained and it's such a fabulous freeing feeling!!


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