Wednesday, May 13, 2009

#1 reads to the Kindergarten class

Forgive me, I need to brag a bit based on something Cade's teacher, Mrs. T, told me...

A few weeks ago, #1 was sitting on the floor at school reading a book aloud when another teacher walked in to have Mrs. T sign some paperwork. She noticed Cade reading and asked how old he was. Mrs. T said, "He is three years old, and will be turning four soon."

The teacher was so amazed that she asked if #1 could come to her kindergarten class to read aloud for them. #1 went and read the entire book "Danny and the Dinosaur" to the class. After he finished, the children were all amazed that a three year old could read so well. As they were leaving the classroom, she said that #1 started reading the vocabulary words posted on the wall. Now when those students see him in the hallway, Mrs. T says that they say, "There's the boy who can read!" and #1 just eats it up with a big grin on his face.

If you have ever seen the movie, "Forget Paris" you will know what I am referring to when I say that #1 is like Billy Crystal's father-in-law when riding in the car. He reads aloud every sign he can see. As we drive down 1960, I hear, "Now Open," "Mr. Sticker," "Home Depot" (pronounced DEE-POT), "Wolf Camera" "Turn Only" etc. etc. etc. He even reads words with combined vowels such as "Yield" which I know I did not teach him.

I'm happy and relieved to know that academically #1 seems to be ahead of his class. As he makes progress on his behavioral challenges with autism, I know he has a bright future ahead of him. I think the key to his behavior problems is to keep him interested and challenged.

By the way, if you have never seen "Forget Paris" you should rent it - one of my all time fave's!

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