Monday, May 11, 2009

So not an early bird

This week is pretty busy at work for me, so I decided to get a jump on things and wake up at 4 this morning to get started, which is a couple of hours earlier than I am accustomed to waking.

I don't know what it is about waking up early, but this early bird business is really for the BIRDS! I yawned and yawned all day long, even after drinking 3 or 4 cups of coffee.

Finally, around 2, I was about to yawn myself out of my chair at work, so I went to pick up a Sweet Raspberry Iced Tea from Sonic - Happy hour price! Yum!

I don't get it. Why is it that I can stay up 2 hours later at night and be perfectly fine the next day, but if I have to get up 2 hours earlier instead, I am dead tired? Even if the amount of sleep is the exact same time under both scenarios - I have totally opposite reactions.

Why is this? Hmmmm...let me think about it. Yawn....yawn....I'll think about it later. Yawn...

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