Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Multi-tasking: Men vs. Women

I have always heard that women are better than men at multi-tasking. For example, woment are able to cook dinner, have a load of laundry going, watching kids, helping with homework, and folding a basket of clothes while men tend to focus on one task at a time. I have experienced this first hand in my own life. do multi-task in their own special way, I have recently realized. That multi-tasking ability comes in the form of the remote control. My husband has the amazing ability to watch up to 3 or 4 shows at the same time by flipping back and forth. I am not able to multi-task in this area very well at all! This drives me crazy because I can't follow the story lines of so many shows, but he seems to be generally up to speed on all of them. I like to look at the menu, select a show, then watch the entire thing, start to finish. During commercials I don't usually surf around, that is my time to move the laundry from the washer to the dryer, start a new load, unload the dishwasher, etc.

It's amazing how differently God has wired all of us, but especially men and women! Can anyone else relate?


  1. Mine does the same thing! Drives me crazy.

  2. I can relate. Glad I found another blogger here in Houston!

  3. I tried to relate this to my 19 yr old son when he was flipping through channels & he got offended!


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