Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Answered prayers

#1 was completely DRY all day today at school for the first time every!!! To celebrate, we went to Itz Pizza as we promised him (yes, we have resorted to shameless bribery to speed along the potty training process). He was so proud of himself!

Also, he has been napping well at school every day this week, something that he has had MAJOR challenges with in the past. His teacher, Mrs. M, came up with the BRILLIANT idea of putting an audio tape of a children's book on during nap time. She says that #1 lays on his mat with his eyes wide open, and she can tell he is listening intently, until he drifts off to sleep. I can tell he has been napping well because he is in a good mood most of the time. Last week when he didn't nap very much at all, he had "meltdowns" over the smallest thing.

I know my mom and many of you have been praying about this specific situation, and I am grateful for your prayers. Keep them coming for his continued maturity and development!!


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