Monday, June 29, 2009

Cleaning and scrubbing

My mom used to have a framed print of a woman rocking her baby that says the following:

Cleaning and scrubbing
Can wait 'till tomorrow,
For babies grow up,
We've learned to our sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs,
Dust, go to sleep
I'm rocking my baby,
And babies don't keep!

I know that a certain amount of housework is "necessary" for life. You must do the dishes at some point or you will not have pots and pans to cook in (or in my case I must soak the pans for a LONG time to get all the crispy burned stuff off the bottom from my usual laughable attempt at cooking). The laundry has to be washed, folded, and put away. However, having clutter and filthiness in my house drives me NUTSO!!!!! I don't feel like I can truly relax when those piles are staring me down and can't see floor, tabletop, or countertop with all of the stuff piled everywhere. Please, Lord, help me to learn the peace of mind to just look past those things and focus on my children, who are growing up more and more every day.

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