Friday, September 3, 2010

Eggs anyone?

When I was small our refrigerator quit working. Mom tried to fix it, and later Dad tried to fix it. They finally had to call a repairman out to fix it. When I was growing up, I can only think of one or two times where we had a repairman come out, because Dad was our "Mr. Fix-It."

Do you know what the repairmain discovered? There was a dial inside the referigerator to control the temperature, and the dial had been turned to the "Off" position.

When they asked us girls who had turned the refrigerator off, I admitted to doing it. I can still remember this conversation:

Mom: "Why did you turn the dial on the refrigerator?"

Me: "Um, it looked like it needed turning."

At the time, that seemed like a logical answer to me. Until yesterday, I could only imagine how frustrating that must have been for my parents.

And now, I am getting a BIG dose of my own medicine...

I have been working extra hard all week at night to get my house clean and ready for a surprise 40th anniversary party I am throwing for my parents tomorrow morning. BTW - they are currently on the road here so I know they will not read this post until after the party.

Last night we arrived home from school and I put on a movie for the boys so that they would not make a mess of the playroom. It was my last night to get ready for the party since we will not be home from the football game until late tonight. I was busy in the kitchen making dinner and lunches for the next day when #2 came in and reported that #3 had eggs in the dining room (which is carpeted).

I ran in there and was horrified to discover that #3 had cracked ALL 12 EGGS and rubbed them into the carpet!!! I was so tired and frustrated from the long week and preparations for the party that I just sat down and cried (after yelling and a big spanking).

Once I calmed down, I apologized for yelling at him and we hugged. I asked him through my tears, "WHY did you crack all of those eggs on the carpet???"

His answer? "I like eggies."

I guess they just 'looked like they needed cracking'...

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