Friday, August 6, 2010

Toy time out

A couple of weeks ago, I instituted a "toy time out" with our boys for toys that did not get put away when it was time to clean up. I would set a timer for 5 minutes each evening and gave each child a specific task (#1 pick up the blocks, #2 pick up all of the cars, etc.). At the end of the five minute period, if there were items left out, I would pick them up and put them into a bag. Those toys went to time out at the top of my china cabinet.

I have started a system for the boys to "earn" back a toy from time out, and it seems to be working beautifully. Each time they complete a task that I ask them to do, they get to pick a toy to come out of time out. They are thrilled to get the toy back, and I am thrilled that they are also (hopefully) learning the lesson to put away their toys!

Is this an acceptable form of re-gifting or what? :)

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