Monday, August 23, 2010

Is this a twin thing?

I have always heard stories about twins who were inseparable, could finish each other's sentences, and had a hard time sleeping as babies without snuggling close to each other.

Mine have never been like this, until recently. Because they were born prematurely and due to differing birth weights required different levels of heat in the incubator, so they had to be separated into individual incubators in the NICU. They have slept separately since then. They are as different as night and day, and seem to do their own thing.

I have noticed that in recent months they have shown a tendency to need to be close to one another. For example #2 is constantly patting #1's hair.

On Saturday morning the boys were watching Word World (one of their favorite shows) and I caught them snuggling together with their heads touching. It was so cute!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Shyanne. I have enjoyed reading your blog. This must be a twin thing. As I go back and look at my boys' pictures, Cade is always touching Tyler--especiallly when they were babies lying on the floor together. They never slept together except for maybe the 3 days they were in the hospital.


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