Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Note from #1's teacher

#1's teacher sent me an email the other day that warmed my heart. It gives me hope that he won't be a loner that is picked on by other kids in junior high because of his autism. I was especially pleased to receive this email the day after coming back from Thanksgiving holidays. I was afraid the change in schedule might have thrown him off track and caused him to have a hard time getting back into the routine. Go #1! I am proud of you baby!

Here is the email from his teacher:

I don't know how often you get to see Cade in an environment with friends, but I am just so pleased and surprised at how well he gets along friends. I know many Asperger kids have trouble making eye contact etc.. and I know he's on the mild spectrum. But I just love to see how he relates to his classmates on the playground. They are so excited to see him and he goes up and hugs them and will ask them if they want to play. I just wanted to let you know about that.
He's been doing so much better in line the yesterday and all last week. Before nap time, he knows that he has to walk in line and not hold my hand because its someone else's turn to be lineleader. But then after nap, it is his turn to be lineleader and hold my hand. It seemed like a good compromise and he seems to be okay with it.

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