Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Big step for Cole

I am THRILLED to announce that #2 is officially wearing big-boy underwear all the time! He is so proud of himself, and we are hoping that the other two will be influenced to do the same. On a selfish note, I have had three children in diapers for almost three years, and I'm looking forward to decreasing the diaper changing task. :)

He is getting self conscious about his appearance now and stands in front of a mirror with a comb trying to get his hair to stand up just right. He likes the "crazy hair" look (the towel dried, sticking out everywhere look) and gets disappointed when his hair dries and lays flat. It is so cute!

Way to go my big boy #2-Bolie!


  1. Whoo Hoo! I am ready for my three-year old to be potty trained...he's just so stubborn. I wonder where he gets that from? ;)

  2. YEAH!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you. Hopefully, his brothers wll take notice and follow in his footsteps!


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