Monday, September 7, 2009

One of these days I'll look back and laugh...right???

Hope you all enjoyed your Labor Day holiday. Here's a quick recap of what happened at the Meekins house:

1. A glass jar shattered on the floor, dropped by #1 who was trying to help me cook by stacking up the cans and jars on top of one another.

2. Flooded bathrooms (not once, not twice, not three times, but FOUR times!!!). Two were the result of mysterious objects being flushed down the toilet by certain munchkins, causing the toilet to overflow with materials I wish not to discuss. The other two times were compliments of #1 and #2, who on separate occasions found a cup and proceeded to fill it up and pour out on the floor. I wielded the plunger and sopped up floors and carpets WAY too much this weekend.

3. A brand new box of Frosted Mini-Wheats poured out all over the carpet and stomped on.

4. #1 getting a bloody nose from being hit in the nose with a shoe by #2.

5. The entire drawer from #2's room was pulled out and the clothes disbursed all over the floor.

6. The two piggy banks on the top shelf of #3's room were broken and the coins were scattered all over the floor. These were not small piggy banks, mind you, they are about the size of a basketball.

7. #3 discovered my makeup bag and proceeded to paint his face with my mascara.

Despite all of these things, we still had a great weekend. We played with Tinker Toys and Go Fish, met my friend S and her kids at the park for a picnic, cleaned the house, watered the flowers, wrestled, played baseball, visited Mimi and Big D, went swimming, jumped on the trampoline, and enjoyed being together.


  1. You have a crown in heaven! You are a boys' mama for sure :) You should read my friend Courtney's blog, I think you would relate to each other. I'm glad that you had a good weekend anyway :)

  2. Wowza, girlfriend!


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