Saturday, September 5, 2009

I'm torn

My husband wants me to sign the boys up for soccer, but I feel torn about it. Here's why:

The Boys -
I know #2 and #3 would probably have a great time, but I'm not sure if #1 is ready for it yet (socially or emotionally). Also, I am concerned that they will not get enough sleep. #1 and #2 take gymnastics during nap time on Fridays, so they do not sleep on those days. On most Friday nights in the fall, we are at Matt's football game and don't get home until after 11pm. They love to run on the field after the game is over and pass out in the car on the way home. Fridays are fun, but are very long days for them. To expect them to play in a game early Saturday morning is something I don't know if they are ready for after being up late the night before. All of them are cranky if they don't get enough rest, but lack of sleep affects #1 much more severely than the others. It affects almost every aspect when he does not get enough sleep. He doesn't sleep in school, has many more meltdowns, tantrums, regressions in his development, etc.

Me -
Saturday mornings are usually my time to pick up the house, do laundry, dishes, etc. while they play. We go to the park almost every Saturday around 11 or so and have a picnic. If they play on a soccer team, then it would squash the picnic-in-the-park days, and I don't know when I would be able to get the cleaning and laundry done. If they play on different teams, we would have two different practices and two different game schedules to attend, and during football season I will have to coordinate all of this because Matt works 7 days a week until Christmas.

I know it would be a great experience for them, but I'm torn as to whether I should do it now or wait until the spring when football season is over. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I completely understand! I don't have mine in any extra activities yet either. Sometimes I feel pressure because so many other little ones are in classes and leagues. But, in my mind, they have so much time for that later. I'm waiting until she really shows an interest in something. Right now, we are just enjoying "us" time when we can.


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