Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ode to Paige

Paige is my sweet cousin who is so fun-loving and sweet. I am always amazed at how full her social life is. She runs circles around my social calendar! I could never keep up with as many people as she does and remember as many details about all of those relationships as she does. The is truly amazing! She talks and thinks at warp speed, and I love her very much!

I'm still trying to locate those pictures of us from our "Talent Show" from our junior high days, but until then, here's a few pics of Paige-O!

1 comment:

  1. I feel so honored! I didn't think my request for a pic would get me an "ode"...and JUST IN TIME...I sent your blog to a lot of my friends! Hee hee.

    Love you,


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