Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Confessions of a real mom

I got to see Oprah while home on Friday, and they had an episode that had confessions of real moms of everyday shortcuts they take, etc. For example, one mom said she was on a trip by herself with the kids and they were asleep in their car seats but she was desperate to use the restroom. She didn't want to wake them up, so she pulled over to the side of the road, pulled out a diaper, and peed on it. I guess when you've gotta go, you've gotta go!

I can't say my confession is as bad as that, but I do have my own confession to make.

Our cable freezes up every now and then when we are watching tv for a few seconds or so. The kids are used to seeing the TV freeze up for a couple of seconds every now and then. That said, here is my confession:

Every morning when the first child wakes up, I let him watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or Sesame Street from the DVR on my bed while I finish getting ready. By that time, the others are usually awake and on my bed watchig the show, so I get them dressed and then it's time to leave. This works well for me having them in one room rather than all over the house, so the morning TV is a great "corraler" and helps them to wake up.

In the past, I have turned off the TV when the show was not yet over and it caused some major tantrums, so I have adapted a new way of getting them out the door. If it is time to go but the show is not yet over, I have on occasion grabbed the remote and done a quick fast foward a few minutes until the end and let them watch the last two minutes. When the credits start to roll, I say, "OK guys, the show is over, time to go" and everyone troops downstairs with no tantrums. They have not yet caught on to my scheme. Hee! Hee!

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