Thursday, November 5, 2009

Testimony of love

I had no idea how much joy it would give me to see my child smile. When they were babies and first began to smile, I would make the silliest faces or sounds in order to win the prize of a smile or laugh.

This video is an awesome testimony of love between a father and a son. The father runs triathalons, which is hard enough in an of itself, but he has chosen to bring his son along for the ride, literally. He pushes his diabled son in his wheelchair while he runs, pulls him in a raft while he swims, and carries him to the double bike to ride. The smile on the child's face is priceless, and you can see the intense love between the father and his beloved son.

Warning...grab a kleenex!

1 comment:

  1. We saw this video in church and I couldn't stop crying. Great message.


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