Friday, January 23, 2009

How our story began...

Matt and I met on a blind date orchestrated by my brother-in-law, David Nelson, back in the summer of 2000. Matt and David were friends from college and Matt had just moved back to Houston from Dallas to coach with David at Westfield High School. I was living in an apartment with my friend Robyn and working at KPMG doing audit work and studying at night for the CPA exam.

When David called to see if I would be interested in going on a blind date with a friend of his, I thought, why not? Little did I know it would change the course of events in my life!

The day of the blind date, I was recovering from a cold and had completely lost my voice, so I could barely croak out "hello" when he arrived to pick me up. He was tan with a broad chest and had beautiful blue eyes.

He opened the door to his Chevy Blazer and let me in. We went to Dave & Busters to eat and play games. We had a great time and he made me feel comfortable, despite my croaky voice, and I noticed his good manners and respect he gave me. It was like a breath of fresh air.

He called to ask if I wanted to go out again and I said yes. I accompanied him to his cousin's wedding, where I met the entire family, with the exception of his mother who was not able to attend. It was obvious to me how much he valued family and placed a high priority on spending time with family.

On our third date, we went fishing at the Register's lake, and went out with friends in Houston until late that night. As they were leaving our apartment, I mentioned to him that I planned to go to church the next morning, and they were welcome to come if they wanted. I didn't really expect him to show up at church the next morning, but he did! He and his friend came, and I was impressed! It showed me that his faith was important to him.

Three weeks after we met, I was sent overseas to work in Belgium for a month. During that time, we talked every day and grew even closer despite the distance and time zone differences. It was in Belgium that I realized he was the "one."

We continued to date for another year, and he proposed to me on Good Friday in 2002, on our way to the Shell Houston Open (the last year the tournament was held in the Woodlands). We ate lunch at Landry's and had parked along Grogan's Mill. We were walking in the trails heading towards the tournament when he said, "Hey, I've got something for you." When I turned around, he held up the ring, and the rest was history...

1 comment:

  1. That is a sweet story. This makes the movie Titanic look tame. Of course, without the boat sinking and Kate Winslet letting go of Leonardo DiCaprio and that song be Celine Dion(you know the one).


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