Sunday, November 13, 2011

Field Trip to Butterfly Museum

The Pumpkin Seed

On Saturday afternoon, I worked in the back yard pulling weeds, spreading mulch, and planting some annuals.  The boys were in and out of the house playing.  Cole came outside and asked me if he could plant his pumpkin seed and I answered absently that would be fine.  He and Riley busied themselves for the next few minutes with shovels in hand in the flower bed.

I mused that they were playing so nicely together after being at each other's throats all day.

And then it hit me...where exactly did they get a pumpkin seed.  Where is that pumpkin that was on our back porch?  Uh oh...

Take a wild guess what the playroom floor looked like.  Yep...tiny hacked up pieces of pumpkin and pumpkin guts everywhere. least they had a good time and were playing nicely together!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Long time, no post...

It has been quite a while since I have last posted, but I am determined to get back into the habit of posting on a more regular basis.
I received an e-coupon from The Best Blog On the Block for a blog book. I have always wanted to have a printed copy of my blog posts so that I can look back and remember the everyday life that happened while my kids were young. It is all going by so fast that I want to preserve a little bit for later reflection.
So...that e-coupon led to me ordering a blog book, which I received in the mail the other day. Since then I have been re-reading all of my posts and laughing/crying with each entry all over again. This is the real stuff of life. I never want to forget it.
You might see some random posts from various months or events as I attempt to document what has happened these last few months, but even if they are out of order at least I am going to get it documented for memory's sake in the next blog book.
There's nothing like a good ole' coupon to get this girl motivated!!